Friday, November 27, 2009

Missed my Darling Matthew and Princess Michelle

Internet signal quite good now, so quickly uploaded some pictures. Check out on Matt's blog as well, thank God I did! Dad updated blog almost daily - so glad to hear about the things my Prince and Princess are doing!
Big Gu Gu messaged me this afternoon. Asked me if I'm coping well with the weather. Of course, with the thick clothing I have brought, sometimes, it's hot! Da Gu Gu also said that Matthew has asked his friends at Sunday School to pray for Mummy; oh boy, I was so touched. I really miss home - wished next week would pass quickly, can't wait to get home!
Sometimes, it is difficult to get internet connection, sometimes have to wait quite long to upload just one picture. Next week may be worse, we are leaving for another place further up north called Lincoln; it is quite like counrtryside I was told. What are we going to do at the countryside? Milk the cows?
Tomorrow is Saturday, a free day for us. We bought tickets for the London Sightseeing Bus to go round places. Have visited London ten years ago, Big Ben, Chinatown in London, Buckingham Palace; not very excited about it actually. What excites me is the free time I have to look for presents for my Darling Matt and Princess Michelle.

On Sunday, also a free day, we are taking a train to Cambridge to visit the University on our own. Maybe the University is closed on Sunday, but we will walk around the fence and take pictures at the gate. Hah ah hha, sounds good.

Happy 11th Wedding Anniversary, Dad! Thanks for taking such good care of the kids. I MISS all of you VERY MUCH!

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