Sunday, November 29, 2009

To Cambridge, the renowned University!

But before that, we dropped by Harrods for shopping before it closes at 6 p.m. Tomorrow, we will be leaving for Lincoln, that's further up north of London and we heard that it is quite a rural (countryside like) place. We will return to London on Thursday night (UK time). Will definitely try to upload our journey, if possible. If not, please do not feel disappointed and you will hear from us again on Thursday night.

We left to head back to London City for roast duck at Bayswater at about 3 pm in the afternoon.

Inside one of the colleges in Cambridge University...

covered the entire flea market in half an hour, went into Marks and Spencer and some of the shop.

Oh boy, we are in a little town... are we lost?? No 'lah', just trying to locate the market place.

Nice picture hor? With a 'Professor' from Cambridge!

Before we knew it, we have arrived. It was a short one and a half hour from London City.

The ride was relaxing...outside the window, we saw farm houses, sheep, grass, more farm houses, more sheep and more grass...

Oops, put up the wrong picture, this is not one of the best. See the next one...

Today, we took a train to Cambridge Town where the renowned Cambridge University is located. It was a ride through the countryside and we thoroughly it enjoyed it!

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