Thursday, December 3, 2009

Back in London!

We plan to get to sleep so that Friday will come soon the next time we open our eyes. Since there is no flight back till Sunday evening, we have one more extra day (Saturday)to roam around London . We miss home and our families dearly. Aunty Isa has a message for her family: "Don't tempt me with Singapore food. I cannot be drooling here. I will not go to Subway, McDonald and Kentucky when I get back. Meanwhile, I love you guys!" And for my Matt and Mich: "Mummy misses you so much that according to Aunty Isa, I talked in my sleep and she overheard me at 1 a.m." See you darlings at the airport on Monday evening; take care, we are coming home SOON!

We were invited to play some drums this morning. The students at the University were rehearsing for some Christmas Charity Show. I'm sure they were glad to get rid of us as we were horrible at drumming.

This was taken at Lincoln this morning. There was some time to spare after breakfast and we ran across the street to visit the 100-yr old cathedral.

Even the bathroom makes us feel at home!

We are back in London again, and we have just checked into our hotel, unpacking our stuff. Luckily we ate dinner on the bus, so we are just thirsty, not hungry. Aunty Isa 'fought' so hard and we got back our room - it has a big ward robe and long stretch of mirror; we like the convenience of the low floor too.

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