Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Yippee - Another day closer to returning home

In the evening, we dropped by the same Thai outlet for tom yum soup takeaway and visited the mall. Found 2 cute shirts for Princess Michelle. She will defiinitely love them! As for Matt, already got him the Monopoly chocolate and will continue to look out for interesting things to bring back for him. So I read from their blog that they had a boring Wednesday, and they looked so cute pretending to look bored in the picture.
We are heading back to London tomorrow evening and we hope to get back the same room where we can have FREE internet access!

A picture taken at the playground with some school leaders.

Can you see the Disney Playhouse at the right corner?

Every classroom looks like a IKEA showroom or better!

Does this corridor looks like a scene from pasar malam?

The schools we visited have very nice decorations all over the schools - along the corridor and in the classroom.

See my dream house behind me? That's actually a school office where the Head Master (Principal of the School) sits.

In most schools, we have pupils taking us around to tour the school's facilities; and guess how many boys whose names are also 'Matthew' have we met? I lost count because almost every alternate boy we meet is named "Matthew" - a popular name here.

Today we started with visits to more schools. It was good learning for all of us and by the end of the day, we were all tired out BUT happy. We are one day nearer to returning home.

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